Constantly updated website for one of my photography projects, with
sections like Articles, Gallery and an interactive
Particularities: Next.js, MUI, language selector using i18next, images fetched from Cloudinary,
burger menu for mobiles, image carousel within articles.
Light and colored to do list.
Particularities: Creating new list items and divs on every
list addition. Alert message on adding an empty text item. Filtering
by completed and uncompleted tasks. Saving data to local storage.
Delete functionality and animation.
Fancy beat creator. Click on the pads to determine the rhythm of the
beats and use the bottom slider to adjust the tempo. The beat type
is changeable.
Particularities: Use of
constructors and "this" keyword. Callbacks, higher order and arrow
functions. Changing, mutig sounds and adjusting the tempo by the use
of a slider.
Design your own color palettes consisting of 5 different colors.
The use of Chroma library. Colors can be generated or manually
created. Possible to adjust the Hue, Brigthness and the Saturation
properties of any color. The hex code and the color slide values
will automatically update. The palettes can be saved to a dynamic
library. Possible to pick and display palettes from library.
Search for and get specific images from the Pexels platform. By
using the More button you can bring in new pages of photos. Feel
free to use the download button to get the original photo size.
Particularities: Fetching data from an API key. Asynchronous
JavaScript (AJAX). Use of Promises. Await operator. Search
Audio player and library built with React. The songs are taken from's music library.
Particularities: Refs. UUID. Songs auto skip. Library UI
updating based on the current played song.